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My farewell words

Updated: Sep 2, 2021

There is a proverb - All feasts must come to an end.

The past Friday marks my last day at Citi after 10.5 incredible years. Unfortunately, the current COVID lockdown in Sydney makes this farewell a little bit different. No coffee catch-ups, no farewell dinner or party.

However, I am completely blown away by all the warm farewell phone calls, messages, and emails received as well as all the awesome farewell gifts.

The past 10.5 years has witnessed a quiet and nervous young graduate coming from a completely different cultural background transformed into a competent and trusted banking professional.

Thanks to my managers and leaders for trusting me and challenging me at the same time. Thanks to my peers for all the support and collaboration throughout my journey here at Citi. You guys have made my experience the best that I could have hoped for!

Thanks to all my mentors - whether in Citi or outside Citi, your faith in me has made a huge impact. Your inspiring encouragement has enabled me to keep pursuing my passion and dreams.

Toast to all the laughter and tears for the past 10.5 years. Toast to the better future which is about to come!

A proud and grateful ex-Citibanker.

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